Happy Halloween dear reader
I missed the trick or treaters for the first time in
years by being taken out for a meal tonight, to be honest I don’t think we
would have got many this year anyway. It is nice sometimes to have a break from
normal routine.
So the end of October is here which means blogtober is
complete and I have made it to the end of a story that I started and stuck with
something until the end. October has flown so quickly I feel its been eventful,
had its high and lows, its not really the end of the story I think I may do the
occasional blog but for now a little break.
I hope you have enjoyed what I have had to write and not
found it too boring at times, its hard to find something to say over a long period
of time, I have the blog ideas in my mind but when I come to write it down I stumble
and lose track. I feel like a firework that started off strong and just fizzled
That said I have enjoyed the experience and glad I took
part, proud of myself and proved I can do it who would have thought this time
last year that I would take part.
If anybody has any questions just fire away.
Over and out
Claire x